What will you find in this neighborhood of images ?
The places are alive, they give us an extra life, they can arise anywhere in us and make us live intensely moments. They may arise before the sheep meadow above the highway (photo 1) or in a "place" sacred. Sheep meadow itself becomes sacred. Recognize them, we keep them operating as words, sentences that arise when reading a book, as the change of glances on the street, they serve us as references to life and not as pedantic citations. And thus places may generate ideas.
These pairs of images are intended to reflect on the future of space.
Think of the true and false in philosophical terms. What is truth ?
Before the idea has arisen, consciously or unconsciously, which was then forgotten.
After also has arisen the idea that, consciously or unconsciously, has enriched space.
Say no to some shows in the city or elsewhere! This is not to destroy but to refuse and respond when possible. No to absurdity of in fashion bicycle paths which rob the most fragile human beings space (pedestrian's space!). No to the trees in pots, palm trees and others which are not fully "trees" and that spread in a mechanical logic. No to everything that is not human and yet is "driven" by "specialist" still compelling arguments.
Why dance second course of architecture students along the streets of Marseille ?
... Successful experience !
This took place in 2010-2011, in collaboration with the Dance Company of Marseilles Campo.
The idea is... students have to "feel" the urban space, with every fiber of their bodie. Feel and no doubt understand that urban space is made of matter "sensitive", there is the grain of the walls, the hardness of the soil, "monumentality" of some stone steps, the hole in the tree... that there is nothing to is strictly "geometric" as one can believe with digital plans... that space is made of shades... and that the project must also take into account the nuances and sensitivity... which is our... to our human scale...
After the experience students have made plans and understood the use of the hand to refine (or remake) digital plans... and the result is better than last year...
But the experience was not renewed...!
these slides are taken from an exhibition at school of Architecture of Marseille after a study trip to New York.
"Travelers" wanted to express a tribute to a city that inspires the most powerful feelings, all the the feelings !
The form given to the expression gradually became that of a photographic poem citing in turn and simultaneously the writer, the artist, the architect.
The space vibrates singing deep and exuberant life of Baudelaire, tormented and colorful imagination of Rimbaud, the soft whisper of James Joyce, the symbolic geometry of Kandinsky's, the static fascination of Richard Estes, the subtle movement directed by Louis Kahn ...
The photos then set up a global message that is intended linear but each one draws calls, disrupts the reading ... and enriches it.
Thank you to students who were able to show much sensitivity, technical competence and dedication.
The goal is not to show models of good work in the ordinary sense of the terms. The relevance of the graphical representation is sought. It is therefore a means of implementing various graphics (couple hand / computer), changes of scale, "the" graphic language, strictly appropriate to the expression of the idea. From some notations written on a readable background to playing digital mapping, itself corrected by hand, everything must be based on the idea ... And this has always to do with the interdependent couple "analysis / "project", and the project in all its forms is the culmination of the idea.
The examples may or may not have a title, they must be explicit in the process. Other images may accurately accompany graphical representation.
© Michel Perloff - Mentions légales - Création : Marion Pruneau